Flora Harley

Head of ESG Research

Global HeadquartersGB

Flora is responsible for developing and delivering the ESG Research strategy for Knight Frank. By taking a thematic and data-led approach, Flora and her team examine market drivers and resultant dynamics arising from ESG trends across property sectors, focussing on the industry's pressing questions. Flora produces ad-hoc blogs as well as in-depth research reports and frequently delivers both internal and external presentations. Her monthly ESG Property Insight newsletter provides a one-stop summary of the latest ESG-related research and news.

Flora joined Knight Frank in 2017 as part of the Residential Research team to provide analysis on geopolitical and economic trends on global wealth. Flora continues to contribute to and present the Knight Frank Wealth Report having been involved with seven editions and executive editor in 2022 and 2023. Prior to this Flora worked as an economist at KPMG and the UK Government.

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