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We speak to business leaders on the hunt for office space every day, many of which have the same concerns around cost, a second lockdown and term-lengths. Here’s everything you need to know.
As office space requirements are changing, many businesses are turning to flexible office space for ease, flexibility and cost-effectiveness. To save you time, here are the answers to eight frequently asked questions about flexible office space during Covid-19.
The great thing about flexible office space is that you can opt for a monthly rolling contract – it’ll help you stay flexible and adjust to any unexpected bumps along the way. In terms of cancelling your contract, you’ll only need to give one to three months’ notice, but the specifics vary from provider to provider.
A lot of providers are putting Covid-19 clauses into contracts to help ease everyone’s mind, such as reduced rent in the event of a second lockdown – which is up to 50% in some cases. One provider, in particular, is essentially saying you can rip up the contract and move out when and if you need to.
The “flexible” element of flexible office space is all about keeping you in control and helping you run your business.
Budget is a concern for many businesses right now, so a lot of providers are offering discounts to help. These are done on a case by case basis, so it’s worth getting in touch with us to get the best deal.
Many providers are offering delayed start dates, too, so you can sign up now and move when you’re ready. Others are offering the first two to three months of rent for free, and one provider is offering 50% off for the rest of the year.
Considering the current climate of uncertainty, a lot of providers are enticing businesses with a few extras, such as additional access passes, extra meeting room usage and other free perks.
But on top of that, of course, are all the serviced benefits that come with flexible office space. Your all-inclusive monthly cost will cover rent, service charge, utilities (including WiFi), furniture costs, the use of communal breakout areas, daily cleaning – including within your private office – and a stocked kitchen.
Meeting room costs might be the only additional thing you need to think about. Some providers do bundles depending on how often you’ll use them, but you’ll usually pay by the hour. Some businesses will opt to have their own meeting rooms in the office space they sign up for, especially if they plan to get a lot of use out of them.
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While standard cleaning regimes may vary, flexible office space providers have gone above and beyond to make members feel safe in returning to the office.
New, Covid-secure measures include enhanced cleaning regimes, hand-sanitising stations, one-way systems, clear signage, increased air flow and social distancing restrictions.
Some providers have also introduced additional measures, such as footfall monitoring apps, thermal imaging cameras that can spot high temperatures and additional bike storage to help employees avoid public transport.
Absolutely. Flexible office space is great for both upsizing and downsizing. With some employees still working from home, a lot of businesses are opting to save money by downsizing to smaller office spaces so teams can work on rota systems.
That’s usually decided on a case by case basis. Due to Covid-19, providers do need to be cautious about monitoring footfall around the building, but they know businesses need to be flexible about team rotas.
Most of the time. When you sign a flexible office contract, you’re signing it with the provider, rather than with the building. So, while you’ll always have your designated office as a set base, with some brands, you’ll get multi-site access to other locations in their portfolios.
Ask us to start your office searchOur experts are here to help take the hard work out of finding your next office space.