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_Knight Frank celebrates Pride month with Stonewall Housing partnership

June 1 marks the start of Knight Frank’s Pride celebrations, a campaign that champions the LGBTQ+ community.
May 31, 2023

At Knight Frank, and for me personally, being an inclusive organisation where everyone has a voice is of critical importance. I am resolute in our commitment to creating a balanced and inclusive business which gives people the opportunity to perform at their best and be recognised for the individual value they bring. Beyond that, we all want to ensure that our customers and clients recognise us as a business that understands and celebrates everyone for who they are.

This year for Pride month, I'm proud to say our ambition is to help raise awareness and advocate for LGBTQ+ seniors. We want to highlight the need for more LGBTQ+ affirmative senior housing and explore the challenges LGBTQ+ seniors face should they become homeless.

Stonewall Housing partnership

That’s why we have partnered with Stonewall Housing to help in their work supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Stonewall Housing is a leading national charity supporting LGBTQ+ people of all ages who live in the UK and are experiencing homelessness or living in an unsafe environment.

Founded in 1983, they provide housing advice, mental health advocacy and support for people fleeing domestic abuse. Through the remarkable work they do, Stonewall Housing has helped over 40,000 marginalised and vulnerable LGBTQ+ people.

The over-60s LGBTQ+ population is a section of our community which is not often talked about and regularly overlooked. Research into LGBTQ+ homelessness highlighted that LGBTQ+ people in general are more likely to be homeless and are overrepresented in homelessness figures. Discrimination, stigma and harassment are common experiences for many members of the LGBTQ+ community, and these factors can lead to a range of negative outcomes including job loss, financial instability and social isolation.

When it comes to LGBTQ+ homeless people who are over 60, many may not feel comfortable seeking help from traditional homeless services or accessing mainstream housing options. I believe much more needs to be done to address this situation and we want to help find solutions where we can.

Tonic Housing

Tonic Housing, the UK’s first provider of LGBTQ+ affirmative retirement housing, is leading the way in the creation of vibrant and inclusive urban retirement communities where people can share common experiences, find mutual support and enjoy their later life. However, demand continues to massively outstrip supply with just three LGBTQ+ affirmative seniors housing schemes in the UK (London, Brighton and Manchester).

Through our work in this sector and with organisations such as Stonewall Housing and Tonic Housing, I hope to see real progress in this space in the coming years.

To help end the stigma, this Pride we are creating space to listen and learn from intergenerational experiences via a series of events and partnerships. We all have a part to play in pushing for equality, for all generations, and can be advocates and allies for LGBTQ+ inclusivity.

Our ambition at Knight Frank is to be a property firm that encourages and embraces diversity in all its forms, and we have introduced several initiatives and reviewed all our policies to help us develop on this journey. Working with the likes of Stonewall Housing and Tonic Housing, we look forward to continuing to support our colleagues, clients and the communities we serve.

Written by Tim Hyatt, Head of Residential at Knight Frank