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_Full speed ahead for HS2 Phase 2a

Today the High-Speed Rail (West Midlands to Crewe) Act 2021 received Royal Assent. This means that HS2 can begin the process of constructing the new railway from the West Midlands to Crewe (known as Phase 2a part of the route).
February 12, 2021

Royal Assent of HS2 (West Midlands to Crewe) opens all the property schemes to applications for this section of the route. It also accelerates the process of HS2 acquiring property required to build the railway as well as beginning more detailed surveys on land in the vicinity of the route

Tim Broomhead in Knight Frank’s Compulsory Purchase team explained: “The granting of Royal Assent for Phase 2a is a significant step in the development of HS2. For those with land, businesses and property affected by the route this will be a difficult time. We understand the challenges and the implications that this and other large infrastructure schemes can bring. We are happy to chat with anyone directly affected and we can talk you through the stages and help you decide what you should do next.”

Jonathan Scott-Smith said: “I have been representing clients affected by HS2 for many years, and have developed an intimate knowledge of how they operate and how their bespoke powers align with the normal rules of compensation. It is certainly worth obtaining professional advice at an early stage, as preparation now may prove very beneficial later on.

If your land, property or business is affected by HS2 or any other large infrastructure scheme such as EastWest rail or other projects that might involve compulsory purchase, please get in touch, we’d be delighted to talk you through all the stages and help you decide what you should do next.

A dedicated local website for HS2 Phase 2a Staffordshire/Cheshire is available at where you can find out more information about the areas affected by HS2 Phase 2a.

For more information please contact: 

Tim Broomhead
M: +44 7776 858 532

Jonathan Scott-Smith
M: +44 7973 620 021