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_New roles on the road to leadership: Working in Knight Frank's Asset Management Team

Kathryn Cripps, Partner at Knight Frank, discusses her career path so far and her exciting move into the next stage of her career in Knight Frank Asset Management Team. 
Kathryn Cripps October 20, 2020

Throughout my initial 12-years at Knight Frank, I have learned a great deal from the firm’s people, culture and clients. Not only have I worked alongside some hugely inspiring mentors but I’ve also been able to take on different roles across the firm – something that I’ve hugely valued and strongly believe plays a significant part in personal and professional development. 

I began my career as part of Knight Frank’s graduate programme in September 2008. Joining at that time, just as Lehman Brothers collapsed, was a tough introduction to the property industry and indeed any career, but one I believe stood all those in the same position as me in good stead, as we got to experience the industry’s challenges and opportunities early on in our careers. 

Upon qualifying as a surveyor, I joined the firm’s retail team and shortly after was supported by the business to move into the London leasing team. This allowed me to broaden my skills and experience in a different area of the firm and, in doing so, gain a wider understanding of the real estate industry. 

I have also received exceptional training through the firm’s Leadership Development Programme, which has helped broadened my perspective, giving me the vision and confidence to take on new challenges. 

Now, as I move into the next stage of my career in Knight Frank’s Asset Management team, I am looking forward to utilising the skills I have honed so far and getting to know and learn from this new team.

As may not yet be clear, I am a keen advocate for changing roles. Learning new skills undoubtedly has many personal benefits but it is a boon for companies too. Individuals with broader experience and skills become more balanced leaders, not only do they have a deeper understanding of the industry and firm in which they work but they are more likely to boost collaboration and cross-selling between teams. 

With the pace at which the world of work is changing through innovation and technological advances, not to mention recent events, I believe the experience gained through transitioning roles makes individuals more agile and able to adapt going forward.

It is vital that developing and training young, talented individuals remains at the top of the agenda for all companies and the success of transitioning people across the business heavily relies on this. The younger generation who are just starting out in their careers need to remain open-minded about new opportunities, whether they are presented to them or they seek them out themselves. 

I am fortunate enough to work for a business where the senior leadership team is future-minded, strategic and flexible, encouraging me to pursue my interests and broaden my experience from day one as well as now.

They wholeheartedly see value in our firm’s future leaders being balanced in their understanding of the industry’s many facets, and the benefit that changing roles reaps in terms of understanding our direction of travel as well as our clients’ varied needs and objectives. 

Listen to Kathryn discuss this further in EG's recent podcast episode:

Kathryn Cripps is a Partner in Knight Frank's Asset Management Team.